In this page, the entries are listed in alphabetical order by the workshops to which the works of art are attributed. The entries without preview are those of workshops which were not included in the 1994 volumes, “Punch Marks from Giotto to Fra Angelico: Attribution, Chronology, and Workshop Relationships in Tuscan Panel Painting”, but were documented in the author’s photographic campaigns. For all these entries, you can navigate the works and the images connected to them, but it will not be possible to have a link to the various punches, since they have not been studied yet.
Agnolo Gaddi
Alvaro di Pietro Portoghese
Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Andrea Bonaiuti
Andrea di Bartolo
Andrea di Cione “Orcagna”
Andrea Vanni
Antonio Veneziano
Ashmolean Predella Master
Barnaba da Modena
Bartolo di Fredi
Bartolomeo Bulgarini
Benvenuto di Giovanni
Bernardo Daddi
Bicci di Lorenzo
Cecco di Pietro
Cenni di Francesco
Deodato Orlandi
Duccio (School)
Duccio di Buoninsegna
Enrico di Tedice
Florentine Painter
Fra Angelico
Francesco Talenti
Francesco Traini
Gentile da Fabriano
Giotto Buffalmacco - Lippo Benivieni - Florentine School
Giotto di Bondone
Giovanni Bonsi
Giovanni da Milano
Giovanni dal Ponte
Giovanni del Biondo
Giovanni di Bartolomeo Cristiani
Giovanni di Nicola
Giovanni di Pietro da Napoli e Martino di Bartolommeo
Giuliano di Simone da Lucca
Giunta Pisano
Guido da Siena
Guiduccio Palmerucci
Jacopo del Casentino
Jacopo di Cione
Jacopo di Michele detto Gera
Jacopo di Mino del Pellicciaio
Lorenzo di Bicci
Lorenzo di Niccolò
Lorenzo Monaco
Luca di Tommè
Mariotto di Nardo
Martino di Bartolomeo
Maso di Banco
Master of San Polo in Chianti - The "Post-1348 Problem"
The artworks not listed here are grouped under the Items of the other Authors belonging to the "Post 1348 problem" group. However all the punches identified by Skaug are listed as used by every Author in order to respect the original structure of the books. -
Master of 1394-1399
Master of Ancona
Master of Badia a Isola
Master of Bagnano
Master of Bambino Vispo
Master of Christ Church Coronation - The "Post-1348 Problem"
The artworks not listed here are grouped under the Items of the other Authors belonging to the "Post 1348 problem" group. However, all the punches identified by Skaug are listed as used by every Author in order to respect the original structure of the books. -
Master of Fabriano
Master of Ovile
Master of S. Galgano / Andrea di Bartolo
Master of San Felice di Giano
Master of San Francesco
Master of San Lucchese - The "Post-1348 Problem"
The artworks not listed here are grouped under the Items of the other Authors belonging to the "Post 1348 problem" group. However, all the punches identified by Skaug are listed as used by every Author in order to respect the original structure of the books. -
Master of San Martino a Mensola
Master of San Martino alla Palma
Master of San Niccolò
Master of St. Ives
Master of St.Cecilia
Master of Strozzi Funeral Chapel - The "Post-1348 Problem"
The artworks not listed here are grouped under the Items of the other Authors belonging to the "Post 1348 problem" group. However, all the punches identified by Skaug are listed as used by every Author in order to respect the original structure of the books. -
Master of the Brozzi Annunciation
Master of the Cappella Medici
Master of the Dominican Effigies
Master of the Giraldi Tabernacle
Master of The Loeser Madonna
Master of the Marzolini Tryptic
Master of the Misericordia
Master of the Straus Madonna
Master of Universitas Aurificum
Meliore Toscano
Meo da Siena
Miscellaneous Painters - The "Post-1348 Problem"
The artworks not listed here are grouped under the Items of the other Authors belonging to the "Post 1348 problem" group. However, all the punches identified by Skaug are listed as used by every Author in order to respect the original structure of the books. -
Naddo Ceccarelli
Nardo di Cione
Neri di Bicci
Niccolò di Pietro Gerini
Niccolò di Segna
Niccolò di Ser Sozzo
Niccolò di Tommaso
Orcagna (School)
Other florentine painters
Pacino di Bonaguida
Paolo di Giovanni Fei
Pellegrino da Mariano
Piero di Puccio da Orvieto
Pietro Lorenzetti
Pietro Nelli
Pisan Painter
Puccio di Simone
Ranieri di Ugolino
Rossello di Jacopo
Sano di Pietro
Scuola Campagna
Segna di Bonaventura (Master of Monte Oliveto)
Senese Painter
Silvestro dei Gherarducci
Simone dei Crocifissi
Simone Martini (School)
Simone Martini and Martini-Memmi workshop
Spanish Byzantine Author
Spinello Aretino
Taddeo di Bartolo
Taddeo Gaddi
The Corsi-Barberino Master - The "Post-1348 Problem"
The artworks not listed here are grouped under the Items of the other Authors belonging to the "Post 1348 problem" group. However, all the punches identified by Skaug are listed as used by every Author in order to respect the original structure of the books. -
Turino Vanni
Tuscan Painter - Andrea di Nerio
Ugolino di Nerio
Ugolino Lorenzetti
Vigoroso da Siena