Florentine Painter
Confronta immagini in Mirador
- Title
- Florentine Painter
- Is Author of
- Florentine Painter, Evangelists (Four Saints, exchanged with N°33), Fiesole, Museo Bandini
- Florentine Painter (Infancy Master?)(Niccolò di Tommaso?), Tabernacle Wings, Fiesole, Museo Bandini
- Florentine Painter, Piety, Fiesole, Museo Bandini
- Florentine Painter, St.Bonifacius and Romualdo, Pisa, Museo Nazionale
- Florentine Painter, Madonna and Child, two angels, Firenze, Dicomano S.Antonio Abate ( Già Frasole S.Jacopo )
- Florentine Painter, Madonna and Child, Firenze, Accademia
- Florentine Painter, SS. Jacob, John The Baptist, Peter, John The Evangelist, Fiesole, Museo Bandini
- Florentine Painter (Bernardo Daddi), Christ's Passion, Roma, Pinacoteca Vaticana
- Florentine Painter , Madonna and Child, two Angels, two Saints, Firenze, private collection
- Florentine Painter, Head of Christ, Firenze, Museo Horne
- Florentine Painter (?), Trinity with Saints, Pisa, Museo Nazionale
- Florentine Painter (?), Enthroned Madonna with Child, Angels, Saints, Pisa, Museo Nazionale
- Florentine Painter, Madonna and child, Pisa, Museo Nazionale
- Florentine Painter, Enthroned Madonna with Saints, Pisa, Museo Nazionale