Master of the Straus Madonna
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- Title
- Master of the Straus Madonna
- Is Author of
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Coronation, Saints, Firenze, Ospedale degli Innocenti
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Madonna and Child, Utrecht, Aartbisschoppelijk Museum
Master of the Straus Madonna, Madonna and Child/Two Saints, Firenze, Sant Maria della Croce al Tempio
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Madonna and Child, four Saints, four Angels, Ex London, Sotheby's (1953)
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Annunciation, Firenze, Accademia
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Madonna and Child, four Saints, two Angels, Staleybridge, Cheetham Art Gallery
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Madonna of Humility, Firenze, Museo del Bargello
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Two femail Saints, Roma, Pinacoteca Vaticana
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Crucifixion, three figures, Esztergom, Museum of Christian Art
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Madonna and Child, Houston (TX), Museum of Fine Arts
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Madonna and Child, Saints, Angels, Firenze, Fioratti
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Pietà, symbols of the Passion, Firenze, Accademia
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Annunciation, Firenze, Santa Maria a Quinto
- Master of the Straus Madonna, St. Blasius, Bishop, Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais
- Master of the Straus Madonna, Madonna of Humility, four Saints, Genova, priv.
- Master of the Straus Madonna, St. Catherine/St. Francis, Firenze, Accademia