Confronta immagini in Mirador
ingester: Unknown [tile]
ingester: Unknown [tile]
- Title
- 732
- Belongs to Punch Mark Class
Heraldic and Animal Motifs
- Is Punch Mark Of
- Bernardo Daddi, Crucifixion, Ex Verona, Unknown position
- Bernardo Daddi Holy Bishop and St. Helena, Bergamo, Private Collection
Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child Enthroned, Angels and Saints, Annunciation, Nativity of Jesus, Crucifixion of Christ. London, Courtald Institute Galleries
- Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child and four Saints, Minneapolis, Minneapolis Institute of Arts
- Bernardo Daddi, Assumption of Virgin Mary, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child, Firenze, Gallerie dell'Accademia
- Bernardo Daddi, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Firenze, Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral
- Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child Enthroned, Angels and Saints, Annunciation, Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata, Crucifixion of Christ, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Arts
- Bernardo Daddi, Madonna with child enthroned with eight saints, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Arts
- Bernardo Daddi, Crucifixion of Christ, Limerick, The Hunt Museum
- Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saint John the Baptist, Saint Peter and Angels, Newark, Alana Collection
- Bernardo Daddi, Annunciation/Crucifixion, Loc. Unknown
- Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child, four Saints, Ex Marburg, von Goldammer
- Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child, four Saints, Ex London, Sotheby's
- Bernardo Daddi, St. Peter, Malines, Musée Communal
- Bernardo Daddi, Holy marthyr, San Francisco, The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco
- Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child Enthroned and Saints, Annunciation, St. Peter and St. Paul, Crucifixion of Christ, Pittsburgh, The Frick Art Museum
- Bernardo Daddi, Annunciation, Paris, Musée du Louvre
- Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child, Firenze, Villa La Petraia
- Bernardo Daddi, Crucifixion of Christ, Madonna with Child Enthroned and Angels, Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata, Saint Peter and Saint Bartholomew,, Newark, Alanas's Collection
- Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child Enthroned, Angels and Saints, Washington, Dumbaton Oaks Collection
- Bernardo Daddi, Coronation of the Virgin Mary between angels and saints, Nativity of Jesus, Crucifixion of Christ, Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
Bernardo Daddi, Crucifixion of Christ, Crucifixion of St. Peter, Nativity of Jesus, Alms of St. Nicholas of Bari, Madonna with Child enthroned and saints, Edinburgh, National Gallery of Scotland
- Bernardo Daddi, Coronation of Virgin Mary between angels, Milano, Crespi Collection
- Bernardo Daddi, Apparition of St Peter and St Paul to St Dominic, New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery
- Bernardo Daddi, St. John the Evangelist, Kansas City, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
- Master of San Martino alla Palma, Crucifixion, centurion, five figures (fr), Stuttgart, Stadtgalerie
- Master of San Martino alla Palma, Crucifixion, Virgin, figures (fr), Zagreb, Strossmayer Gallery
Master of San Martino alla Palma, Virgin, two Angels “La Ninna”, Firenze, Uffizi
- Bernardo Daddi, St. Benedict, London, Private collection
Is Punch Mark Of
Bernardo Daddi Holy Bishop and St. Helena, Bergamo, Private Collection
Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child and four Saints, Minneapolis, Minneapolis Institute of Arts