Confronta immagini in Mirador
ingester: Unknown [tile]
ingester: Unknown [tile]
Belongs to Punch Mark Class
Leaves and Vegetal Motifs
Is Punch Mark Of
Bernardo Daddi, Madonna with Child Enthroned and Angels, San Pancrazio, San Nereo, San Giovanni Evangelista, San Giovanni Battista, Sant'Achilleo, Santa Reparata, San Gioacchino expelled from the Temple, San Gioacchino comforted by the angel, Meeting of Sant'Anna and St. Joachim at the Golden Gate, Birth of the Virgin Mary, Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple, Annunciation, Nativity of Jesus, Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi
Bernardo Daddi, Coronation with saints and angels, Firenze, Galleria dell'Accademia
Jacopo del Casentino, Madonna and Child, Pozzolatico, Santo Stefano
Jacopo del Casentino, St. Thomas Aquinatis, Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais
Bernardo Daddi, St. Peter, London, Courtauld Gallery
Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child, two Saints, four Angels, donor, 1336, Bagno a Ripoli (Firenze), Pinacoteca Comunale
Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child, Baltimore, The Walters Art Gallery
Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child, New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery
Bernardo Daddi, Assumption of Virgin Mary, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Jacopo del Casentino, St. Peter/St. Barbara(?)/St. Nicholas/St. Francis, Brussels, Van Gelder (priv)
Jacopo del Casentino, Madonna and Child, Firenze, De Micheli (priv) (ex Loeser)
Jacopo del Casentino, Madonna and Child, New Haven (Connecticut), Yale University
Cenni di Francesco, St. Francis, St. John the Baptist, Ex New York, Wildenstein
Cenni di Francesco, Pentecost, Dormitio Virginis, Firenze, San Martino a Sesto
Cenni di Francesco, Mystic marriage of St. Catherine, four Saints/St. Peter, four Saints, Vicchio A Rimaggio (Bagno a Ripoli), San Lorenzo
Bernardo Daddi Holy Bishop and St. Helena, Bergamo, Private Collection
Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child, Firenze, Gallerie dell'Accademia
Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child, Firenze, Villa La Petraia
Cenni di Francesco, Madonna and Child, Fiesole, Fioratti
Bernardo Daddi, St. Benedict, London, Private collection
Cenni di Francesco, Standing Madonna surrounded by eight Virtues, Roma, Pinacoteca Vaticana

Is Punch Mark Of

Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child, Baltimore, The Walters Art Gallery