Confronta immagini in Mirador
ingester: Unknown [tile]
ingester: Unknown [tile]
- Title
- 611
- Belongs to Punch Mark Class
6-part Motifs
- Is Used by
Master of the Dominican Effigies
Master of Strozzi Funeral Chapel - The "Post-1348 Problem"
Master of San Lucchese - The "Post-1348 Problem"
Miscellaneous Painters - The "Post-1348 Problem"
Master of Christ Church Coronation - The "Post-1348 Problem"
Master of San Polo in Chianti - The "Post-1348 Problem"
The Corsi-Barberino Master - The "Post-1348 Problem"
Giovanni del Biondo
Master of St. Ives
- Is Punch Mark Of
- Master of San Lucchese , Madonna of Humility/Crucifixion/Nativity, Polesden Lacey (Surrey), National Trust
- Giovanni del Biondo, St. Francis, St. Catherine, Ex New York, Shikman Gallery
- Miscellaneous Painters, Madonna and Child, twelve Saints, two music making Angels, two donors, Pisa, Museo Nazionale
- Giovanni del Biondo, Coronation/Saints, 1373, Fiesole, San Domenico
- Giovanni del Biondo, Annunciation/Saints “Cavalcanti”, Firenze, Accademia
- Giovanni del Biondo, Mystic marriage of St. Catherine, 1389, Ex Fiesole, Lucas
- Giovanni del Biondo, Madonna and Child, two Saints, two Angels, Firenze, Stibbert
- Master of St. Ives, Madonna and Child, Assisi, Perkins Collection
- Master of St. Ives, Madonna and Child, two Saints, Roma, Museo Palazzo Corsini
- Master of the Dominican Effigies, Crucifixion/Nativity, Cracow, National Museum
- Master of St. Ives, Mystic marriage of St. Catherine, Berlin, Dahlem
- Master of St. Ives, Madonna and Child, two Saints, Ex New York, American Art Association
- Master of St. Ives, St. Ives passing a Sentence, Firenze, Accademia
- Master of St. Ives, Madonna and Child, two Saints, Firenze, Stibbert
- Master of the Dominican Effigies, Madonna and Child/Four Saints, 1345, London, Courtauld gallery
- Giovanni del Biondo, Saints/Saints, Roma, Appartamenti Vaticani
Is Punch Mark Of
Master of San Lucchese , Madonna of Humility/Crucifixion/Nativity, Polesden Lacey (Surrey), National Trust
Giovanni del Biondo, St. Francis, St. Catherine, Ex New York, Shikman Gallery
Miscellaneous Painters, Madonna and Child, twelve Saints, two music making Angels, two donors, Pisa, Museo Nazionale